Eight Ways You Can Help Prevent Dog Bites and Attacks in Your Home
You can help prevent dog bites and attacks in your home by following these steps from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
- Speak to a professional to learn what breeds of dogs are best for your household;
- Do not bring a dog with a history of aggression into your household;
- If your child is fearful of dogs, wait before bringing a dog into your home;
- Be careful when bringing a dog into a household with an infant or toddler;
- Never leave an infant or young child alone with a dog;
- Teach the dog submissive behaviors;
- Do not play aggressive games with your dog;
- Seek immediate professional help if your dog develops aggressive behaviors.
Call Now for a Free Consultation
If you or a family member have been injured by a dog bite or attack, obtain a copy of our Free Book, 7 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Personal Injury Claim. In addition, you can contact Attorney Bob Allison now for a free consultation by calling 978-740-9433 or by filling out our free consultation form. We look forward to talking to you about your claim.