It is important to understand some of the causes of car accidents in order to avoid the harmful consequences of an automobile accident. Car accidents occur at an alarming rate and are a leading cause of injury in the United States. In order to control the increasing accident rate, many states have passed tough laws […]
Car Accidents
RSS feed for this sectionDo Not Pass Go: The Massachusetts Tort Threshold
By Robert Allison on October 26, 2017
Motor vehicle liability insurance varies greatly among states, from the amount of minimum coverage required to different standards that govern the right to recovery for bodily injury resulting from an accident. In Massachusetts there exists a limited no-fault system, referred to as Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which covers the insured and passengers for medical expenses, […]
Workers’ Compensation & the Traveling Employee
By Robert Allison on September 15, 2017
The Massachusetts workers’ compensation statute provides that if an employee “receives a personal injury arising out of and in the course of his employment, or arising out of an ordinary risk of the street while actually engaged, with his employer’s authorization, in the business affairs or undertakings of his employer,” he shall be paid by […]
Are You Covered? Insurance & Social Care Sharing
By Robert Allison on August 21, 2017
The advent and ease of use of phone apps and seamless payment systems has brought the idea of sharing into the mainstream. The appeal is straightforward and logical, and puts a capitalist spin on the value of sharing that has been has been taught for generations. Why not let someone else use your car or […]
Between a Rock & a Hard Place: An Insurer’s Sometimes Conflicting Duty to Settle
By Robert Allison on June 27, 2017
Auto insurers in Massachusetts owe a duty to both the policy holder and any claimant under the policy. To the insured, an insurer owes a duty to defend and indemnify. An insurer also has a duty to promptly settle claims in which liability – fault and damages – is reasonably clear. In most case, an […]