If you were injured in an automobile accident, you may be overwhelmed by phone calls, letters and forms from insurance adjusters, and trying to decide what to do and when to do it. An experienced Massachusetts car attorney such as Bob Allison can help you with many of the concerns you may have following an […]
Car Accidents
RSS feed for this sectionUse Of A Motor Vehicle: Not As Straightforward As You Might Think
By Robert Allison on March 25, 2016In Massachusetts motor vehicle insurance coverage is governed by statute and the terms of the specific policy issued by each insurer. The Automobile Insurers Bureau (AIB), a private organization, provides a standard policy that insurers can (and most do) adopt. The standard policy along with any revisions can be found at the AIB website www.aib.org. […]
Top 6 Causes of Teenage Car Accidents
By Robert Allison on March 18, 2016An important text. A lead foot. A few too many beers during prom night. Friends arguing about which radio station to listen to. The reasons for teenage car accidents are many, but most of them boil down to too many distractions and too little experience behind the wheel. Recklessness: Combine immaturity with 3,000 pounds or more […]
Notifying The Insurer Of A Massachusetts Underinsured Car Accident Claim
By Robert Allison on March 11, 2016Where bodily injury damages resulting from a motor vehicle accident exceed the available insurance policy limits of the driver responsible for the accident, underinsurance coverage may be available under an injured person’s own motor vehicle policy, that of a household member, or that of the vehicle the injured person was occupying at the time of […]
When Just Saying No Isn’t Enough: Negligent Failure to Secure Vehicle
By Robert Allison on November 9, 2015In a previous article in Legal News (Jan. 2014) I reviewed the law of negligent entrustment of a vehicle in Massachusetts in which a vehicle owner can be held liable for damages caused by an operator to whom the owner had given permission to drive the vehicle and where the owner had knowledge of the […]